Discover my art: Clown, shows, clowns, courses and workshops.
Immerse yourself in my artistic world where clowning, social transformation, the visibility of women clowns, humour and shows combine to offer you moments of fun, reflection, training and encounter.
Unstoppable artist in constant evolution
I am Bea Larrañaga, a multidisciplinary artist with more than 20 years of experience in the performing arts. From my beginnings until today I am inspired by social play and movement. I transit and feel humour as a tool for revolution and reflection. I invite you to get to know my career.
Committed to my professional development, I have been trained with great professionals in clown techniques, physical comedy, street arts...
There have been many women clowns, there are and there will be. Many have been in the shadows and have paved the way. For them and for those to come.
Discover the universe of Bea Larrañaga, who fuses the art of clowning with other arts to excite and transform.
Explore my varied selection of shows full of humour, emotion, reflection and surprises. One-man shows in the theatre and on the street. Cooperative and dynamic shows. Each show is a unique and unforgettable experience, find the show that moves you the most and take the adventure!
Filipa Balbina Project
Filipa Balbina is a project and a character created by Bea Larrañaga, a multidisciplinary artist specialising in clown technique.
This project arises from Bea's need to talk about the world of female clowning. Because there is a lot to see and a lot to talk about. Women clowns also existed, although they weren't talked about much. Nowadays there are a lot of wonderful women clowns in all spaces, streets, theatres, theatres, circuses... .and we want to know more about them.
When we talk about Circus or Cinema clowns in History, we think of clowns like Charlot, Harold Lloyd, Marcelino, Charli Rivel, Mister Beeen, The TV Clowns ... It is time to unveil the existence of many women who have paved the way for today's clowns and many who existed who will never be talked about, because there is no information about them. Clowns who made their own way. We will learn about some of them, about little anecdotes, about their development as professionals...
Filipa Balbina, has been created with the aim of giving visibility to the female clowns that existed in history, to know more about the female clowns that exist today and to look to the future with a different perspective.
What do they say about me?
Klown mundua jolasak eta emozioak dira eta zentzu horretan, Beak izugarrizko baliabide pila ditu bere formakuntzarengatik. Gainera, berekiko harremana oso gertukoa da. Niretzat garrantzitsua da Beak nola lehenesten duen taldearen ongizatea.
Clown tailerrak, besteak beste beste nire clowna bilaten laguntzen dit. Hain zaila den bestea entzutea ahalbideratzen dit. Emozioak aurkitu eta azaleratzeko ere baliogarria zait clown tailerra. Lagun giro ederra eskeintzeaz at, oso terapeutikoa suertatzen zait , besteak besteak besteak, nire mugak ezagutzeko .
Neri klown tailerrak oso interesgarriak iruditzen zaizkit. Nere emozioak kanporatzen laguntzen dit eta nere burua indartzeko ere. Gure giroa ere oso ona.Irakasleak saioak oso ondo prestatzen ditu eta bakoitzari pistak ematen ematen dizkio hobetzeko...Gozada da tailer hau.
Latest publications
Pioneering Women in the Circus: A Look at their Legacy
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Learn and laugh: How to develop your own clown persona
Learn and laugh: How to develop your own clown character Developing your own clown character is an exciting and creative process....
Clowning as a Therapeutic Tool: Benefits and Applications
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Digital kit programme financed by the next generation funds of the recovery and resilience mechanism